Designated Community Development funding and related public sources only take our work so far. Donations from individuals, organizations and foundations will help us realize our goal of transforming Holyoke and creating a brighter future for families and residents.
Community engagement is a big part of our organization realizing its mission of every resident of Holyoke living in a “dignified home and a safe, attractive neighborhood.” There are many opportunities for citizens to join us in this work. Call our office at (413) 533-7101 to learn about volunteer opportunities.
Community Investment Tax Credits
Community Investment Tax Credits provide an opportunity for individual and corporate taxpayers to invest in community development, while receiving a better return on their investment. Those who make a donation to OneHolyoke CDC receive twice the normal tax benefit for charitable giving.
Investors must contribute at least $1,000 to be eligible. The contribution must be in the form of a cash donation. The credits awarded are equal to 50% of the “qualified investment.” In addition to receiving the 50% state tax credit, donors may also take a federal tax deduction for the balance of their donation. The credit is REFUNDABLE if the taxpayer does not have a tax liability. With your investment, OneHolyoke CDC will have the opportunity to re-invest directly in the neighborhoods and the people of Holyoke.