OneHolyoke CDC Continues Holyoke COVID-19 Vaccine, Safety Outreach
HOLYOKE — OneHolyoke Community Development Corp. (CDC) received an additional round of funding from the Massachusetts COVID-19 Community Grants Program, which is administered by Health Resources in Action in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The purpose is to provide education and resources about the COVID vaccine to Holyoke residents and continued education about mitigation strategies.
With this renewed funding, OneHolyoke CDC is taking COVID vaccine education on the road, hosting a series of outdoor and livestreamed events throughout the city where individuals can have their questions about the vaccine answered by healthcare providers.
OneHolyoke CDC has also hired staff to give out PPE and educational resources at several Holyoke locations, including door-to-door outreach. A designated web page on OneHolyoke CDC’s website,, provides resources, blogs, and videos for the community, along with links to find out where to get the vaccine and where to get tested for COVID.
The public information campaign is concentrated on predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods, including the Flats, South Holyoke, Churchill, and downtown, to address the disproportionate spread of the virus among communities of color. Outreach materials are shared in both English and Spanish at in-person tabling locations at community outlets in the Latinx-majority neighborhoods of Holyoke and on OneHolyoke CDC’s social media and website.
The COVID-19 Community Grant was awarded to OneHolyoke CDC to engage the Holyoke community by developing and delivering effective messages, and offer further support to the hard-hit community with education, training, and outreach to effectively meet Holyoke’s specific needs.
“With the support of our trained, diverse staff out in the community referring and sharing experiences with the vaccine, our goal is to increase the number of vaccinated Holyoke residents,” said Nayroby Rosa-Soriano, director of Community Engagement and Resident Services for OneHolyoke CDC. “We are pivoting our strategies and figuring out creative ways to educate our community to get vaccinated.”
The focus of the first round of funding from the Massachusetts COVID-19 Community Grant was to provide education to Holyoke residents in order to prevent and reduce the continuing spread and rise of COVID. Now that vaccines are more readily available, this new round of funding will focus on educating Holyoke residents about the vaccine and where they can get vaccinated.
Clínicas de vacunación
Vaccine Clinics
Dale click para poder disfrutar del video.
Click on the link to enjoy the video.
Dale click para poder disfrutar del video.
Click on the link to enjoy the video.
Sitio web de la NACHW:
sitio de prueba comunitario para COVID:
OpET proporciona:
Eventos de vacunación covid en Massachusetts para niños y adultos con discapacidades y necesidades de apoyo sensorial.
Safe. Free. Accessible. Effective. Life saving. #letsgo
No tienes identificación, no tienes tarjeta de salud, no hay problema.
No health card, No ID, no problem.
Las inyección de refuerzo ya están disponible.
Booster shot are available.
Por favor tenga en cuenta:
Cuídense y usen mascarilla.
Please be advised:
Be safe and were a mask.
Testing Sites
Información sobre las pruebas de COVID-19
Tenga en cuenta: Las pruebas de COVID-19 de rutina para pacientes no se proporcionarán en el Departamento de Emergencias de HMC. Las personas que deseen hacerse la prueba de COVID-19 en Holyoke Medical Center deben ir al Centro de conferencias auxiliar de HMC durante el horario de atención que se indica a continuación.
Holyoke Medical Center – Centro de conferencias auxiliar.
575 Beech Street, Holyoke
Lunes – Jueves: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
VIERNES, 31 DE DICIEMBRE 2021: 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
SABADO, 1 DE ENERO, 2022: 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
DOMINGO, 2 DE ENERO, 2022: 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
*Las pruebas de PCR no están disponibles actualmente en esta ubicación: se realizarán: otros resultados de pruebas moleculares, que están aprobadas por el estado de Massachusetts.
COVID-19 Testing Information
Please note: Routine outpatient COVID-19 testing will not be provided in the HMC Emergency Department. People looking to be tested for COVID-19 at Holyoke Medical Center should go to the HMC Auxiliary Conference Center during the below listed operating hours.
Holyoke Medical Center – Auxiliary Conference Center*
575 Beech Street, Holyoke
Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2021: 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 2022: 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 2022: 7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
*PCR testing is currently unavailable at this location – Other molecular test results, which are approved by the state of Massachusetts, will be performed
Examen de Covid-19 en Holyoke Mall
Holyoke mall está ofreciendo examines para el Covid-19.
De lunes a domingo, desde las 9am a 5pm
50 Holyoke ST, Holyoke. Junto a de Macy’s
Para mas información visite: Holyoke Mall
Covid-19 Testing at Holyoke Mall.
Holyoke mall is offering tests for Covid-19.
Monday to Sunday, from 9am to 5pm
50 Holyoke ST, Holyoke. Together with de Macy’s.
For more information visit: Holyoke Mall
Vaccine Sites
Stop & Shop
Stop & Shop esta ofreciendo la vacúna de COVID-19 visite la pagina web de: Stop & y haga una cita para su vacúna de COVID-19.
Stop & Shop
Stop & Shop is offering the vaccine go to the: Stop & website to schedule an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine.
CVS esta ofreciendo la vacuna de COVID-19 visite: para que haga una cita.
CVS is offering vaccines go to: and schedule an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine.
Walgreens esta ofreciendo la vacúna de COVID-19 visite la pagina web de: y haga una cita para su vacúna de COVID-19.
Walgreens is offering the vaccine go to: and schedule an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine.
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke community college
HCC estará ofreciendo la vacuna para el covid-19 todos los martes, empezando el martes 24 de agosto. El horario será de 10am a 2pm, en el estacionamiento – M. alado del centro atlético y recreación Bartley. Las vacunas estarán disponibles para el público en general. HCC estará ofreciendo la vacuna, Pzifer-BioNTech y Janssen J&J. No se necesita cita, pero si le gustaría registrarse puede hacerlo aquí.
Fuente: HCC
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke community college
HCC will be offering the vaccine for covid-19 every Tuesday, starting on Tuesday, August 24. The hours will be from 10am to 2pm, in parking lot – M. next to the Bartley Center for Athletics & Recreation. The vaccines will be available to everyone. HCC will be offering the vaccine, Pzifer-BioNTech and Janssen J&J. No appointment is needed, but if you wish to register you can do so here.
Source: HCC
Baystate Health Vaccine Center Holyoke
Baystate Health esta ofreciendo la vacuna para eliminar el Covid-19.
- 12+ pueden ser vacunados.
- Pueden ir sin cita los, martes y sábados, 8 am – 6 pm en el 361 Whitney Ave in Holyoke.
- O Aga cita usando estas paginas de web: Mass.Gov, Baystate Primary Care, or Baystate Health Urgent Care (18+).
Baystate Health Vaccine Center Holyoke
Baystate health is offering the Covid-19 vaccine.
- 12+ can now be vaccinated.
- Walk in Tues-Sat, 8 am – 6 pm at 361 Whitney Ave in Holyoke.
- Schedule through Mass.Gov, Baystate Primary Care, or Baystate Health Urgent Care (18+).
Greenfield Vaccine Sites
- Rite Aid Pharmacy 107 Main St.
Please visit for more details and information.
- Genoa Healthcare
55 Federal St Ste Appointment required.
- Genoa Healthcare
1 Arch St Appointment Required
- Big Y Pharmacy and Wellness Center
237 Mohawk Trail. Walks-ins may be available.
- Greenfield Senior Center at John Zon Center
35 Pleasant St. Appointment Required.
- Walgreens Pharmacy
5 Pierce St. Appointments are not required to receive a COVID-19 VACCINE. Walk-ins are accepted at this time.
- COVID-19 Testing Site – Greenfield.
33 Riddell St. Appointment Required.
- Walgreens Pharmacy at Valley Medical Group – Greenfield.
329 Conway St. Appointment Required. Appointments are not required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Walk-ins are required.
- Stop & Shop
89 French King Hwy. Appointment Required.
- Walgreens Pharmacy
Turners Falls, MA. Appointments are not required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Walk-ins are accepted at this time.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Location – Tree House Brewing Company – Deerfield.
South Deerfield, MA. Check who can get vaccinated now at your state website.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Location – The Barn at The Farm Table at Kringle Candle.
Bernardston, MA. Check who can get vaccinated now at your state website.
Vacúnate Holyoke
Trust the Facts get the Vax
Holyoke puede hacerlo mejor. Tomemos la iniciativa a lo largo de Western Mass y aumentemos el número de residentes vacunados. Vacúante Holyoke. Confíe en los hechos, obtenga la vacuna.
Holyoke can do better. Let us take the lead across Western Mass and increase our vaccinated residents. Trust the facts get the Vax.
COVID-19 Vaccines for Children and Teens
Although fewer children have been infected with COVID-19 compared to adults, children can:
- Be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19
- Get sick from COVID-19
- Spread COVID-19 to others
CDC recommends everyone 12 years and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination to help protect against COVID-19. Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic. People who are fully vaccinated can resume activities that they did prior to the pandemic. Learn more about what you and your child or teen can do when you have been fully vaccinated. Children 12 years and older are able to get the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
If you would like to download and print Consent Form for people under 18 click here:
Si desea descargar e imprimir el formulario de consentimiento para personas menores de 18 años, haga clic aquí:
OneHolyoke CDC has been awarded a COVID-19 Community Grant by Health Resources in Action in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to provide education to Holyoke residents in order to prevent and reduce the continuing spread and rise of COVID-19.
Communities of color in Massachusetts are among the hardest hit by COVID-19 in terms of infection, illness, and death. Our goal is to provide educational resources, information and outreach to Holyoke residents to effectively meet Holyoke’s specific needs.
OneHolyoke CDC recibió una aportación comunitaria para COVID-19 de Health Resources in Action en asociación con el Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts para brindar educación a los residentes de Holyoke con el fin de prevenir y reducir la propagación y el aumento continuo de COVID-19.
Las comunidades de color en Massachusetts se encuentran entre las más afectadas por el COVID-19 en términos de infección, enfermedad, y muerte. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar recursos educativos, información y alcance a los residentes de Holyoke para satisfacer eficazmente las necesidades específicas de Holyoke.
Massachusetts COVID-19 Vaccine Program
What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine? COVID-19 vaccination will help keep you from getting sick from COVID-19. All COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S. have been shown to be very effective. Experts continue to conduct more studies about whether the vaccines also keep people from spreading COVID-19. Wearing masks and social distancing help lower your chance of getting the virus or spreading it to others, but these measures are not enough. The combination of getting vaccinated and following CDC’s recommendations to protect yourself and others will offer the best protection from COVID-19.
Massachusetts has begun vaccinating against COVID-19. Find out when you can expect to be vaccinated, learn how to book an appointment if you are currently eligible, and review guidance on preparing for your appointment.
¿Cuáles son los beneficios de recibir la vacuna COVID-19? La vacuna COVID-19 le ayudará a evitar que se enferme con COVID-19. Se ha demostrado que todas las vacunas COVID-19 disponibles en los Estados Unidos, Son muy efectivas. Los expertos continúan realizando más estudios para saber si las vacunas también evitan que las personas propaguen COVID-19. El uso de máscaras y el distanciamiento social ayudan a reducir las probabilidades de contraer el virus o transmitirlo a otras personas, pero estas medidas no son suficientes. La combinación de vacunarse y seguir las recomendaciones del CDC para protegerse y proteger a los demás ofrecerá la mejor protección contra el COVID-19.
Massachusetts ha comenzado a vacunar contra COVID-19. Averigüe cuándo puede esperar ser vacunado, aprenda cómo reservar una cita, si actualmente es elegible, y revise la guía sobre cómo prepararse para su cita.
COVID-19 Informational Docs – English & Spanish
Vacúnate, Holyoke Trust the facts get the vax.
Stop the Spread of Germs
Fact vs. Fiction
Chronic Diseases
Holiday Stop the Spread
Trust the facts get the vax.
Vacúnate Holyoke.
Trust the Facts. Get the Vax.
Trust the Facts – Get the Vax (ASL Version)
Confíe en las pruebas, Vacúnate Holyoke.
Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall featuring local health experts and community leaders.
Nayroby Rosa-Soriano, OneHolyoke CDC’s Director of Community Engagement and Resident Services, was featured on Connecting Point to talk about the COVID-19 Community Grant and OneHolyoke CDC’s efforts to keep the community informed and safe through its Stay Safe Holyoke initiative.
This is Nayroby Rosa, Director of Community Engagement and Resident Services for OneHolyoke CDC. This is how fast, easy, and safe it is to get tested at any of the testing sites in Holyoke. This test was done at Holyoke Community College.
Ella es Nayroby Rosa, Directora de Participación Comunitaria y Servicios al Cliente para OneHolyoke CDC. Así de rápido, fácil, y seguro es hacerse la prueba del Covid-19. Esta prueba fue hecha en Holyoke Community College.
OneHolyoke CDC Receives COVID-19 Community Grant
OneHolyoke CDC awarded grant to prevent spread of COVID-19
Statement from OneHolyoke CDC Executive Director Michael Moriarty
Our agency is working hard to ensure that residents of all of Holyoke’s neighborhoods have access to the health care resources they need and deserve throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. We were delighted to partner with BHN to bring vaccinations into the Flats Neighborhood today, using our community building on Canal Street.
Early this morning, April 13, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health temporarily suspended the use of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. According to reports, the FDA is monitoring a new development, because six people out of the 8.5 million people vaccinated with J&J have experienced complications. Due to the suspension, the vaccine clinic in the Flats of Holyoke was canceled before it started. We are grateful to our partners at BHN for being attentive and responsive to changing circumstances as they arise.
Vaccines are an important tool to keep yourself and your family safe from Covid-19, and to get our community beyond the consequences of the long shut down. We serve a Gateway City in neighborhoods where most residents are people of color. Our residents have been disproportionately harmed by COVID-19. They need good information in a language they understand, easy access to all health services including vaccines, and equitable support from community agencies now more than ever. OneHolyoke CDC will continue to work with great partners like BHN to bring clinics and other services into the Flats and other Holyoke neighborhoods to help people right where they live.
Declaración del director ejecutivo de OneHolyoke CDC, Michael Moriarty
Nuestra agencia está trabajando arduamente para garantizar que los residentes de todos los vecindarios de Holyoke tengan acceso a los recursos de atención médica que necesitan y merecen durante la pandemia COVID-19. Estuvimos encantados de asociarnos con BHN para llevar las vacunas al vecindario de Flats hoy, utilizando nuestro edificio comunitario en Canal Street.
Esta mañana, 13 de abril, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Massachusetts suspendió temporalmente el uso de la vacuna Johnson and Johnson. Según los informes, la FDA está monitoreando un nuevo desarrollo, porque seis personas de los 8.5 millones de personas vacunadas con J&J han experimentado complicaciones. Debido a la suspensión, la clínica de vacunas en Flats of Holyoke fue cancelada antes de comenzar. Agradecemos a nuestros socios de BHN por estar atentos y receptivos a las circunstancias cambiantes a medida que surgen.
Las vacunas son una herramienta importante para que usted y su familia estén a salvo del Covid-19 y para que nuestra comunidad supere las consecuencias del cierre prolongado. Servimos a Gateway City en vecindarios donde la mayoría de los residentes son personas de color. Nuestros residentes han sido perjudicados de manera desproporcionada por COVID-19. Necesitan buena información en un idioma que comprendan, fácil acceso a todos los servicios de salud, incluidas las vacunas, y apoyo equitativo de las agencias comunitarias ahora más que nunca. OneHolyoke CDC continuará trabajando con grandes socios como BHN para llevar clínicas y otros servicios a Flats y otros vecindarios de Holyoke para ayudar a las personas allí donde viven.