Hoy nuestra Directora de Participación Comunitaria fue seleccionada para recibir el Premio Ricaanne Hadrian a través del MACDC. Fue un honor ver reconocido y elogiado el trabajo de Nayroby Rosa. Felicitaciones a ella y que continúe esforzándose por lograr el éxito. ¡OneHolyoke CDC está muy orgulloso de usted!
Today our Community Engagement Director was selected to receive the Ricanne Hadrian Award through MACDC. It was an honor to see Nayroby Rosa’s work recognized and commended. Congratulations to her and may you continue to strive for success. OneHolyoke CDC is very proud of you!
Foro de Candidatos Bilingües
En el mes de octubre, El Greater Holyoke Chamber, Holyoke Media y OneHolyoke CDC celebraron el Foro de Candidatos Bilingües en Holyoke Media, 1 Court Plaza. Los hechos fueron registrados por Holyoke Media. Aquí están los vídeos.
Para que usted pueda tomar una mejor decisión el 7 de noviembre, vea los siguientes videos de Holyoke Media
Consejo de Holyoke de todos los barrios el lunes 23 de octubre.
Comité Escolar de Holyoke el jueves 26 de octubre.
Consejo general de Holyoke el viernes 27 de octubre.
Gracias a la Cámara de Comercio de Holyoke, Holyoke Media y a todos los voluntarios que ayudaron a organizar este importante evento. Vaya a votar el 7 de noviembre de 2023.
Bilingual Candidate Forum
In October, the Greater Holyoke Chamber, Holyoke Media and OneHolyoke CDC held the Bilingual Candidate Forum at Holyoke Media, 1 Court Plaza. The events were recorded by Holyoke Media. Here are the videos.
In order to help you make an informed decision when you vote on November 7 please watch the videos recorded at Holyoke Media.
Holyoke Council from all the Wards on Monday, October 23rd.
Holyoke School Committee on Thursday, October 26th.
Holyoke Council At Large on Friday, October 27th.
Thank you to The Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, Holyoke Media, and all the volunteers who help put this important event together. Go vote on November 7, 2023.
5K Community Walk 2023
Jardin Comunitario
Hoy en Veterans Park Apartments colaboramos con @massinmotionholyoke, @nuestraraices y Holyoke City Hall para crear un jardín comunitario para nuestros residentes mayores. Gracias a Stephanie y Jason por todo su arduo trabajo. Gracias Pat Duffy de State Rep por venir a ayudar. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a todos los residentes y al personal de OneHolyoke CDC que ayudaron!
¡Gran trabajo de equipo!
Community Garden
Today at Veterans Park Apartments we collaborated with @massinmotionholyoke, @nuestraraices and Holyoke City Hall to create a Community Garden for our elderly residents. Thank you to Stephanie and Jason for all your hard work. Thanks Pat Duffy for State Rep for coming by to help. Special thanks to all the residents and OneHolyoke CDC staff that helped! Great teamwork!
Holyoke MathTrail
Charla Matemática.
1 de junio, de 6pm a 8pm.
La cena será de 5pm a 6pm.
En el City Hall de Holyoke,
536 Dwight Street, Holyoke, Ma.
Regístrese aquí: Eventbrite:
Math Talk.
Gracias a todos los que ayudaron. ¡Recolectamos 14 bolsas de basura! #KeepItClean2K23.
Thank you to everyone who helped out. We collected 14 bags of trash! #keepitclean2k23
Volunteer Recognition Dinner
Celebrando a nuestros maravillosos voluntarios que ayudan a hacer de Holyoke un lugar mejor. Gracias a todos nuestros voluntarios.
Volunteer Recognition Dinner
Celebrating our wonderful volunteers who help make Holyoke a better place. Thank you to all our volunteers.
Food Bank
Gracias a todos los maravillosos voluntarios que ayudaron hoy 3/10/23 en el Banco de Alimentos.
El próximo banco de alimentos será el 24/03/23 en 70 North Bridge Street. Holyoke. De 1pm a 1:45pm.
Food Bank
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who helped at the Food Bank today.
Next Food Bank will be 3/24/23 at 70 North Bridge Street. Holyoke. From 1pm to 1:45.
Doors Open Holyoke
OneHolyoke participó en Doors Open Holyoke el 15 de octubre al abrir nuestra casa modular Net Zero. Colaboramos con Valley Bike y realizamos recorridos a murales locales y pequeñas bibliotecas en el centro de la ciudad. Fue un gran evento y exposición del trabajo realizado por OneHolyoke. Esperamos apoyar este evento anualmente.
Doors Open Holyoke
OneHolyoke participated in Doors Open Holyoke on October 15th by opening up our Net Zero Modular Home. We collaborated with Valley Bike and doing tours to local murals and little libraries in the city’s downtown area. It was a great event and exposure to the work done by OneHolyoke. We looking forward to supporting this event annually.
El sábado 24 de septiembre, OneHolyoke CDC organizó nuestra última limpieza del año. Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los voluntarios que participaron en esto y a todos los grupos de limpieza en los diferentes lugares. ¡Gracias a todos! Esta última limpieza tuvo gente en South Holyoke, The Flats y Churchill. Nos vemos el próximo año en el Día de la Tierra el sábado 22 de abril de 2023 para #keepitClean2K23. ¡También nos gustaría dar las gracias a las organizaciones del Departamento de Policía de Holyoke, el Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Hampden con la Iniciativa de Barrio Seguro de Holyoke, la Escuela Morgan, Wayfinders, la Oficina del alcalde, con Stephen Fay, el Comité Escolar Gustavo Romero, Tyrone y todos los demás voluntarios! ¡Gracias a todos!
On Saturday, September 24 OneHolyoke CDC hosted our last clean up of the year. We would like to thank all the volunteers that participated on this and all the clean up groups at the different locations. Thank you all! This last clean up had people in South Holyoke, The Flats, and Churchill. We will see you next year on Earth Day Saturday, April 22, 2023. for #keepitClean2K23. We would also like to give thanks to the organizations Holyoke Police Department, Hampden County Sheriff department with the Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative, Morgan School, Wayfinders, Mayor Office, with Stephen Fay, School Committee Gustavo Romero, Tyrone, and all other volunteers! Thank you all!
Back to School!
Hoy OneHolyoke CDC estuvo presente en las escuelas Kelly, Morgan y Lawrence saludando a los niños con el apoyo de nuestra comunidad. Gracias a todos los que hicieron que el primer día fuera especial. También estaremos organizando Clínicas de Vacunas en cada una de estas escuelas pronto. Visite nuestro sitio web para más detalles! Back to School!
Back to School!
Today OneHolyoke CDC was present at Kelly, Morgan and Lawrence schools greeting the children with the support of our community. Thank you to everyone that made the first day special. We will also be hosting Vaccine Clinics at each of these schools soon. Check out our website for more details! Back to School!
5K Community Walk
Gracias a todos los que apoyaron nuestro evento de 5K hoy. Era un grupo pequeño que esperamos construir cada año. ¡Llevar un 5K a Flats es increíble! ¡Guarde la fecha para el próximo año #agosto262023 a las 10 am! Gracias a nuestros patrocinadores y socios por todo el apoyo. #PeoplesBank #voc #keyfoods #HGE #lawlerinsurance #homeworkhouse #valleygreen #bostonbud #gti
5K Community Walk
Thank you to everyone who supported our 5K event today. Its was a small group that we hope to build every year. Bringing a 5K to the Flats is amazing! Save the date for next year #August262023 at 10am kickoff! Thank you to our sponsors and partners for all the support. #PeoplesBank #voc #keyfoods #HGE #lawlerinsurance #homeworkhouse #valleygreen #bostonbud #gti
Veterans Park Apartments BBQ
OneHolyoke CDC desea agradecer a todos nuestros inquilinos que nos visitaron el pasado viernes 15 de julio para nuestra parrillada anual. Muchas gracias por asistir.
Veterans Park Apartments BBQ
OneHolyoke CDC would like to thank all of our tenants who visited us this past Friday, July 15, for our annual BBQ. Thank you very much for attending.
Celebración anual de reconocimiento de voluntarios de OneHolyoke CDC 2021 “Evento virtual”
“Los voluntarios son vitales para el éxito de la comunidad”
Es con esto en mente que OneHolyoke organizó una cena de reconocimiento “Virtual Zoom Night Out”.
Gracias voluntarios por todo el arduo trabajo que hacen por nuestra comunidad.
2021 OneHolyoke CDC Annual Volunteer Recognition Celebration “Virtual Event”
“Volunteers are vital to the success of community”
It is with this in mind that OneHolyoke hosted a “Virtual Zoom Night Out” recognition dinner.
Thank you volunteers for all the hard work you all do for our community.
City Wide Clean Up
Thank you to all the volunteers that came out today to help us clean in the flats. Bower St Hill got us good but Piña park sprinklers refreshed us! Thank you MyersBrothersKhalica team, Mayor Garcia, City Councilor Tessa. You guys rocked!!!
City Wide Clean Up
Gracias a todos los voluntarios que vinieron hoy a ayudarnos a limpiar las calles. ¡La cuesta de la calle Bower nos dio una pela., pero los aspersores del parque Piña nos refrescaron! Gracias equipo de MyersBrothersKhalica, alcalde García, concejal Tessa. ¡Ustedes rockearon!
Green River Festival
Esta casa llegará a Holyoke como regalo del Departamento de Arquitectura, Construcción de Edificios y Programa de Tecnología de UMass y East Branch Homes. Gracias por tu generosidad. ¡Estamos muy emocionados de hacer que este sea el hogar de alguien! #greenriverfest2022
Green River Festival
Trash and Recycling in Holyoke
OneHoyloke CDC con residentes de Holyoke tuvo una gran discusión con representantes de la ciudad sobre Basura y Reciclaje. Limpiezas de vecindarios, Reciclaje, Cumplimiento de códigos.
Para ver el video, haga click AQUI
Trash and Recycling in Holyoke
OneHoyloke CDC with residents from Holyoke had a great discussion with representatives from the city about Trash and Recycling. Neighborhood cleanups, Recycling, Code enforcement.
To see the video click HERE
I can be anything I want to be.
Winning Raffle Numbers for December 2021
Here are all the numbers that came up in the raffle.
Congratulations to the following winners!!!
Bring your wining ticket to 70 Lyman Street to retrieve your prize. Monday thru Thursday. from 8:30am to 4:30pm. For questions call our office (413) 533-7101.
Números ganadores del sorteo de diciembre de 2021
Aquí están todos los números que salieron en el sorteo.
¡¡¡Felicitaciones a los siguientes ganadores!!!
Traiga su boleto ganador a 70 Lyman Street para recuperar su premio. De lunes a jueves. de 8:30 am a 4:30 pm. Si tiene preguntas, llame a nuestra oficina (413) 533-7101.
Delaney House
585056 / 667506.
El Rincon Boricua
667343 / 667457 / 667318 / 667368 / 667520 / 667424 / 667507 / 585027.
El Paraiso Colombiano
585027 / 584847 / 667327 / 667361 / 669339 / 667515.
Fernandez Family Restaurant
669525 / 585030 / 667345 / 667438 / 585035 / 585057.
Blanket and Kitchen Towels
Rubbermaid Container Kitchen Towels
Italian Basket
Valley Bike Christmas Stocking
585035 / 669537
Two Books Cinemark Gift Card
669319 / 585007 / 667505 / 667336
The Strongest Mom Book Paper City Bar N Grill
669520 / 667484
Blanket and Picture Frames
Paper City Bar N Grill
667330 / 585045 / 585039 / 667516
OneHolyoke CDC presenta, la sexta cena anual para la comunidad de Holyoke.
Venga guiando o caminando y disfrute de maravillas del invierno, tendremos espectáculo de luces, esculturas de hielo, y caricaturas infla-bles navideñas. Estaremos repartiendo 500 cajas con los ingredientes necesarios para la cena navideña. Los que vengan caminando traigan un carrito. y por favor use mascarillas para la seguridad de todos.
El evento cera el 15 de diciembre, de 5pm a 7pm. en la escuela Kelly, 216 West Street, Holyoke.
Para Ver el mapa
Para ser voluntario
Para patrocinarnos
OneHolyoke CDC presents the 6th annual Holyoke community dinner winter wonderland.
Come driving or walking and enjoy the winter wonderland, we will have a light show, ice sculptures and inflatable Christmas characters. We will be distributing 500 boxes with the necessary ingredients for the holyday dinner. Those who come walking bring a car. and please wear masks for everyone’s safety.
The event will be Wednesday, December 15 from 5pm to 7pm. At Kelly School, 216 West Street, Holyoke.
Click Here for directions.
Click here to volunteer.
To sponsor us.
Fiesta de disfraces para los nin@s
Únase a nosotros para conversar sobre la educación y la familia en un ambiente de fiesta y diversion. Invitados especiales discutirán temas relacionados con la educación y los jóvenes. Use un disfraz, vístase para la temporada o venga como está. Evento amigable para niñ@s.
5:00 pm conoce y saluda (fiesta de disfraces, repartir dulce, actividades divertidas)
6:00 pm Actividades para niños en la planta baja, sesión de información en la planta superior con invitados especiales que conversan sobre la familia y la educación. viernes 29 de octubre 5pm. The Club, Flats Community Building
43 N Canal St. Holyoke
Kid friendly costume party
Join us for discussions about education and family in a fun party atmosphere. Special guests will be discussing issues around schooling and young people. Wear a costume, dress for the season, or come as you are. Kid Friendly Activities
5:00 pm Meet and Greet (costume party, give out goodies, fun activities)
6:00 pm Children’s activities downstairs, Information session upstairs featuring special guests discussing family and education Friday, October 29th 5pm
The Club, Flats Community Building 43 North Canal St. Holyoke
Foro de los candidatos para la alcaldía de Holyoke
Foro en español de los candidatos a alcalde de Holyoke. Únase a nosotros para un foro de candidatos a alcalde en español en el edificio de la comunidad en la flats. Salude y converse con los candidatos: 5-6 p.m. El foro comienza a las 6 p.m. Candidatos a la alcaldía: Joshua A. García, Michael J. Sullivan. Copatrocinadores del evento: OneHolyokeCDC, The Greater Holyoke Chamber, The Club at the Flats Community Building. El estacionamiento para el edificio de la comunidad en la Flats, está disponible al otro lado de la calle en Hadley Printing. No bloquee su area de carga. Jueves 21 de octubre 5:00 p.m. The Club, edificio de la comunidad en la flats, 43 North Canal St. Holyoke.
Spanish language mayoral candidate forum
Spanish Language Mayoral Candidate Forum Join us at the Flats Community Building for a Spanish Language Mayoral Candidates Forum. Meet and Greet: 5-6 p.m. Forum begins at 6 p.m. Mayoral Candidates: Joshua A. Garcia Michael J. Sullivan Event co-sponsors: OneHolyokeCDC, The Greater Holyoke Chamber, The Club at the Flats Community Building. Parking for the Flats Community Building is available across the street at Hadley Printing. Please do not block their loading dock. Thursday, October 21st 5:00 p.m. Flats Community Building, 43 North Canal St. Holyoke.
Food Distribution
El sábado 23 de octubre del 2021, de 12pm a 2pm Estaremos en el Centro de Tokeneke Rd, Holyoke. Providence Ministries en colaboración con Margaret’s Pantry, OneHolyoke, Holyoke Public Schools y La ciudad de Holyoke, distribuirán 300 cajas de comida. Esto continuará el cuarto sábado de cada mes. La próxima distribución será el 27 de noviembre 2021 de 12pm a 2pm. En un lugar aun no determinado.
On Saturday October 23, 2021, from 12pm to 2pm we will be at the center of Tokeneke Rd, Holyoke. Providence Ministries in collaboration with Margaret’s Pantry, OneHolyoke, Holyoke Public Schools and The City of Holyoke, will be distributing 300 boxes of food. This will continue the 4th Saturday of every month. Next distribution will be November 27, 2021 from 12pm to 2pm. Location to be determined.
Atención Residentes de OneHolyoke
¡Vacúnate, Holyoke!
En el mes de Julio 2021, si usted trae la tarjeta de vacunación del COVID-19, OneHolyoke CDC lo pondrá a usted en una rifa y 5 residentes serán escogidos para descontarle $300 del alquiler para el mes de agosto 2021. Si tiene alguna pregunta por favor comuníquese con Nayroby Rosa al 413-409-2004, o con Aida al 413-533-7101. #VacúnateHolyoke
Attention OneHolyoke Residents
Holyoke, Trust the Facts get the Vax!
In the month of July 2021, if you bring your COVID-19 vaccination card, OneHolyoke CDC will put you in a raffle and 5 residents will be chosen to deduct $ 300 from your rent for the month of August 2021. If you have any questions please contact Nayroby Rosa at 413-409-2004, or Aida at 413-533-7101. Trust the facts get the vax!
OneHolyoke CDC
OneHolyoke CDC quiere darle las gracias a Pizza D’Action (232 Lyman Street Holyoke) y a Key Food Marketplace (13 Cabot Street Holyoke) por dejarnos usar sus facilidades para ofrecerle la vacuna del COVID-19 a los residentes de Holyoke.
OneHolyoke CDC
OneHolyoke CDC would like to thank Pizza D’Action (232 Lyman Street Holyoke) and Key Food Marketplace (13 Cabot Street Holyoke) for letting us use their facilities to offer the COVID-19 vaccine to Holyoke residents.
OneHolyoke CDC
OneHolyoke has been very busy this past few months.
Distributing food for the people in need. Promoting the vaccine. And the #KeepItClean2K21 campaign.
OneHolyoke CDC
OneHolyoke ha estado bien ocupado estos últimos meses.
Distribuyendo comida a los mas necesitados. Promoviendo la vacuna. Y con la campaña de mantener a Holyoke limpio #KeepItClean2K21.
Winning Raffle Numbers
Here are all the numbers that came up in the raffle.
Congratulations to the following winners!!!
- Target $25 gift cards.
- 878661
- 878980
- 878907
- 878711
- Barnes & Noble $50 gift card. 878717
- BigY $50 gift card.
- 878839
- Stop & Shop $25 gift card. 878511
- Yankees fan basket 488292
- Chocolate basket 878575
- Movie Night Basket 878619
- Exercise basket 878774
- Baby Girl Basket 878859
- Womans self care basket 878716
- Baby boy basket 878800
- Laundry basket 878649
- Valley bikes goodies 878748
- Yankees fan basket 488292
- Chocolate basket 878575
- Movie Night Basket 878619
- Exercise basket 878774
- Baby Girl Basket 878859
- Womans self care basket 878716
- Baby boy basket 878800
- Laundry basket 878649
- Valley bikes goodies 878748
Welcome to Winter Wonderland
5th Annual Holyoke Community Dinner
Presents Winter Wonderland
The 5th annual community dinner was a success. Thank you to all the volunteers for all the hard work they did on an extremely cold day. Also, we would like to give thanks to all our sponsors.
- Kelly School
- Holyoke Public Schools
- Key Food Marketplace
- Holyoke Police Department
- Hamden County Sheriff Department
- Holyoke Council on Aging
- Adcare
- Caregiver Homes
- Bank ESB
- State Rep Pat Duffy
- State Rep Aaron Vega
- Holyoke Medical Center
- Commonwealth Care Alliance
- PeoplesBank
- TopFlight Nutrition
- Westside Finishing Company
- At Caring
Heart Nursing Services - HUB International New England, LLC
- MassHire Holyoke
- Roca Inc.
- River Valley Counseling Services
- Blossom Flower, LLC
- Ward 2 City Councilor Terrence Murphy
- Holyoke Tax Services
- Western Mass Elder Care
- Bresnahan Insurance Agency
- Nueva Esperanza
- State Senator John Velis
- Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative
- Homework House
- Holyoke Housing Authority
- Valley Bike
- Holyoke Gas and Electric
- Local Resident Sandy Ward
- Soto Home Care
- Ayla
- Rise Holdings Inc, LLC
- Holyoke Health Center
- Congressman Richard Neal
- Exotica Farms
- City Councilor Terry Murphy
- City of Holyoke, Massachusetts
- BigY Supermarket
- Stop & Shop Supermarket
- Taylor Rental
- The Daniel Escobar Foundation
- A Caring Heart Nursing Home
- City Councilor Gladys Lebron Martinez
- City Councilor Rebecca Lisi
- River Valley Counseling Center
- OneHolyoke and their staff, special thanks to Peter P for the Graphics!
La 5ta Cena Anual comunitaria de Holyoke.

5th Annual Holyoke Community Dinner.

Come to the park!
Over 30 members counted in our Census Pop-up event at Chestnut Park. Thank you to Holyoke Parks and Recreation, City of Holyoke, The May Institute, Gloria’s Ice-cream, Frituras Latinas, and Wayfinders for the great collaboration. OneHolyoke is thankful of its community partners.
Do not forget to do your #2020Census
OneHolyoke CDC
Thank you Holyoke Media for interviewing our Community Engagement Director, Nayroby Rosa-Soriano about the #KeepItClean2k20 campaign.
OneHolyoke CDC kicked off their #KeepItClean2K20 campaign this weekend from the Flats Community Building.
2020 Census
The no contact Census support Question Assistance Center(QAC)
OneHolyoke CDC will have representatives from the 2020Census to help fill out your census while maintaining social distance and safety guidelines. Free takeaways.
OneHolyoke CDC tendra representantes del 2020Censo para ayudar a la comunidad a llenar el 2020Censo manteniendo distancia social y las quias de su seguridad. Regalando algunaa cositas.
Every Wednesday for the month of July and August. From: 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm.
Held at 43 Canal Street, Holyoke.
#WeCount #2020Census
We Are Back
We are Kicking Off our cleanup this Saturday July 25 2020 from 10am-12pm leaving 43 Canal St. Please email me if you wish to join us at Nayroby.rosa-soriano@oneholyoke.org. I need to have a count on how many will join. Sign up is still open for those that want to clean on a different week. I can provide supplies and collect trash. Lets all help Holyoke stay clean this summer. #keepitclean2k20
Estamos iniciando nuestra limpieza este sábado 25 de julio de 2020 de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m. saliendo de 43 Canal St. Por favor envíeme un correo electrónico si desea unirse a nosotros en Nayroby.rosa-soriano@oneholyoke.org. Necesito contar cuántos se unirán. La inscripción todavía está abierta para aquellos que desean limpiar en una semana diferente. Puedo proporcionar suministros y recoger basura. Ayudemos a Holyoke a mantenerse limpio este verano. #keepitclean2k20

We at OneHolyoke CDC along with Sir Speedy from Holyoke need you to complete your 2020 Census!
The Mural at Piña Park
Admiring this great unveiling of a mural created by Tyrone Bowie Jr. Cookies and Hot Chocolate with Parks and Recreation. We are at Piña park Wednesday, November 6, 2019 from 4pm-5pm. Come on over!

Photo Gallery of The Mural at Piña Park
OneHolyoke’s #KeepItClean2K19 Campaign
OneHolyoke CDC kicked-off its citywide KeepItClean2k19 campaign, an initiative to clean Holyoke’s streets, at the Flats Community Building, 43 Canal Street, on April 22nd at 10 am and ended on September 21st 2019.
OneHolyoke Community Development Corporation a nonprofit organization, hosted a cleaning campaign starting out of the Flats Community Building, 43 Canal Street in Holyoke, every forth Saturday of the month through September. Wonderful partners on opposite weeks did clean-ups as well. Holyoke organizations were encouraged to volunteer to host their own cleaning events, and the community really came together to do so. We also participated in cleaning events throughout the city hosted by other Holyoke Organizations. The goal of #KeepItClean2K19 was to promote weekly neighborhood clean ups through fall with an end of the year city wide cleanup event. This event was hosted on September 21 2019, and led all volunteers to Taste of South Holyoke.
#KeepItClean2K19 is a grassroots community initiative focused on inspiring residents of Holyoke to take ownership of their streets. Our mission is to clean-up and organize identified “problem locations”, keeping these spaces clean throughout the rest of the year.
Holyoke residents may participate individually by cleaning their yard, sweeping their steps, or raking leaves. While doing so, take a minute, snap a photo and share on social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter, using the hashtag #KeepItClean2K19. developing an awesome collage of community cleaning assisting, furthering the mission of #KeepItClean2k19 of inspiring a sense of ownership throughout the city. hashtag #KeepItClean2K19 is a way of keeping the community connected throughout the initiative, allowing residents or partners to participate at their own convenience.
We ask that anyone interested in participating next year to please contact us for more information, for supplies, for support, or to be included in the hosting rotation. Contact Community Engagement Director Nayroby Rosa-Soriano of OneHolyoke CDC at 413-409-2004, or via email at nayroby.rosa-soriano@oneholyoke.org
Special Thank you to the partners that participated in this year’s clean-up:

- Holyoke Public Schools
- VCARE Medical
- OneHolyoke CDC
- EMB Naturals
- Holyoke Chamber of Commerce
- Ward 2 City Councilor -Terry Murphy
- May Center
- Nueva Esperanza
- Criterion Early Intervention
- Kelly School
- Holyoke DCF
- Wayfinders
- Aaron Vega
- Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative
- Food Bank of Western Mass
- Tapestry
- Office of Community Development
- Community Members and Volunteers
- Holyoke Parks and Recreation
Photo Gallery of OneHolyoke’s #KeepItClean2K19 Campaign
National Players perform Around the World in 80 Days.
Friday, May 3, 2019 at 7 PM – 9 PM

Photo Gallery Of Around the World in 80 Days
At the El Corazon opening event OneHolyoke set up a photo booth. Did you get your photo taken?
Ribbon cutting ceremony at the Flats Community Building. OneHolyoke envisions Flats Community Building as a resource to the community. At over 2000
square feet, 43 Canal Street is an ideal space for socializing and creating unforgettable memories for you and your loved ones.

Flats Community Basketball Tournament

OneHolyoke CDC Is happy to give Luis Soria the new principal at Kelly School and Nicole Arnold, ER nurse at Holyoke Hospital and all of the other Pioneer Valley ER nurses that came down with her from all over Hampden County to help beautify the streets of the Flats community. #KeepItClean
- Flat’s Community Clean-up April 28th.
- Flats Community Clean-up May 2018
- Flats Community Clean-up May 2018
- Clean up on June 30, 2018
#KeepItClean2K18 (Flats Community Clean-up)
Please join us in our next Community Clean-up which will take place on Saturday July 28th. Volunteers will meet at our Community Center located at 43 Canal Street, formerly known as the Portuguese American Club. Community Clean-ups are scheduled as follows: August 25th and September 29th. from 12-30pm to 3pm. Or at your convenience if you share our hashtag #KeepItClean2k18
For team or volunteer registration, sponsorship donations and or registration forms, please contact Nayroby Rosa-Soriano, Community Engagement Director at nayroby.rosa-soriano@oneholyoke.org or call work cell 413-409-2004.

Nayroby Rosa-Soriano joined OneHolyoke CDC in November of 2018 as the Resident Services Coordinator for Veterans Park Apartments. Nayroby is now our Director of Community Engagement and Resident Services. Nayroby has served as a human service provider in Hampden County for over ten years. Graduate of both Holyoke Community College and UMASS, Nayroby has worked very closely with many community providers. As a Holyoke resident, Nayroby, has collaborated frequently with many local agencies to provide great services to the population she has served. From case management for teen parents, to domestic violence and sexual assault shelter director to resident services, Nayroby comes to us with a multitude of experiences. Nayroby enjoys motivating residents to reach their full potential.
Mobile Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
Our organization is partnering with the Mobile Food Bank of Western Massachusetts with a shared goal to increase access to nutritious foods and to reach families and individuals in need. The Food Bank is held every second and fourth Friday of every month rain or shine on the corner of Mosher and N. Bridge St. In The Flats.
- May 11, 2018
- May 11, 2018
- May 11, 2018
- May 11, 2018
- May 11, 2018
- Kelly school students participate in community service.
Project Asset Map (PAM) Survey
Quality of Life Surveys and Reports: In partnership with the UMass School of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Nueva Esperanza Inc. and several other Holyoke-based agencies, OneHolyoke has sponsored the Project Asset Mapping (PAM) Survey. The results provide detailed information about resident perceptions of the quality of life, safety and needs of their neighborhoods. Westfield State University (WSU) prepared a detailed report about the impact of Community Development Corporations on learning in their communities, and heard community voices in Holyoke about a “Learning in Place” plan OneHolyoke is creating. Thank you to Professor Marijoan Bull and all WSU students for their great work, and to our partner on this project, Nueva Esperanza Inc. To view the report please click on the link provided.